Teaching and Scientific Activities

6 educational laboratories with the modern teaching means are the base of department. Department has also the computerized classroom where there are carried out the virtual laboratory works which simulate the physical laboratory equipment. It allows helping the students to learn technique of physical experiment and be prepared to fulfillment and defend the real laboratory works.oining to Bologna Process has raised the issues of preparing the new educational literature which corresponds to technologies of credit-modular educational system. For this purpose, the Department of General Physics publishes the tutorial series "Modular education. Physics". This edition became one of the first samples of the new type tutorials where there are given in details the lecture material, laboratory works fulfillment procedure, examples of problem solutions and list of problems for individual home work. Each book from this series represents the certain module according to academic program and consists of the study units containing all information necessary for learning the planned material.

Module 1. Mechanics” contains material on base of classic mechanics and special relativity theory.

Module 2. Molecular physics and thermodynamics” contains the fundamental provisions and laws of molecular-kinetic theory and thermodynamics.

Module 3. Electricity and magnetism” considers classic electrodynamics.

Module 4. Oscillations and waves” corresponds to program material on the oscillatory and wave processes of mechanical and electromagnetic nature.

Module 5. Optics” considers the light properties from the point of view of classic physics.

All mentioned editions have been approved by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as tutorial for students of engineering high school.

Preparation of two last modules - «Module 6. Quantum Physics», «Module 7. Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Physics» - is at final stage.

Taking into account the experience in preparation of tutorials in Ukrainian, the department teachers have prepared the books «Physics. Education in English» in English.

The high level of mentioned above series of tutorials is confirmed by the fact that the Department of General Physics won the competition "Best tutorial of NAU in 2009 – 2010 academic year" for series of tutorials «Modular education. Physics».

Firstly in the NAU history on base of the Department of General Physics in 2004, 2005, 2006 there was conducted the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad on educational discipline "PHYSICS" among the engineering educational organizations. Organization of Olympiads got the appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Specialists of department have the considerable experience in research in the main directions of modern physics:

  • solid-state physics

  • liquidcrystalphysics

  • propertiesoffuelsandlubricants

  • teachingmethodicinhighschool

Department supports the creative communication with multiple leading scientific and educational organizations in Ukraine, for example with Physics Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogoliubov Theoretical Physics Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Moscow State University and Hetero-Organic Compounds (Moscow, Academy of Sciences of Russia).

Results of teaching and scientific activities

Defended Ph.D. thesis 5
Doctoral candidates 1

Obtained patents

Reportsatcongresses, symposiumsandconferences >100

Published scientific articles


Published tutorials approved by MES/NAU


Participation in exhibitions

Published scientific articles by students ~40
Sudents – winners of Olympiads and exhibitions 15

Tutorials on General Physics course approved by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Tutorial for correspondent education:

Scientific work at department:

1. No. 069-ДБ02, State registration No. 0102U000380. “Scientific principles of creation of the new refractive liquid-crystal materials for displaying information” Terms: 01.2002 – 12.2004. Budget: 32000 hryvnas. According to work theme there was defended the Ph.D. thesis in Physics Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2. No. Ф25/215-2008, State registration No. 0108U008091. “Thermotropic ionic liquid crystals as the recording mediums”. Terms: 05.2008 – 12.2010. Budget: 80000 hryvnas. According to work theme there was defended the Ph.D. thesis in Physics Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 3. No. 20-Ф3/К39  State-budget research work (inside department) «Development of creative abilities of students while studying physics in engineering high school»  Terms: 2003 – 2006. According to work theme there was defended the Ph.D. thesis in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. 4. No. 20-08.02.04  State-budget research work (inside department) «Organizational and pedagogical principles of monitoring the cognitive activity of students under the conditions of credit-modular educational system (for discipline "Physics"). Terms: 2006 – 2010. According to work theme there was defended the Ph.D. thesis in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. 5. No. 31/08.02.04    State-budget research work (inside department) «Theoretical and methodical principles of mutual connection of fundamental and professional preparation while delivering the general physics course to future specialists of aviation sector. Terms: 2010-2014.
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